Mission Statement

Jasi Education believes that individual organisations have unique needs which must be addressed with skills tailored specifically for the need at hand. We must serve the needs of the individual, the enterprises and the communities from which our students originate.

Therefore JEC’s mission is:

To create highly-skilled workforce and in return facilitate organisations globally to access good-quality UK- trained managers. yet reasonably priced in the United Kingdom;

To create a learning environment which will support learners’ personal development and enable them to acquire the necessary knowledge and the appropriate skills, including interpersonal ones, which will lead to qualifications relevant to their future employment and career development in their organisations in country of origin.

Through the success of the Centre’s completing learners and graduates, to help contribute to the well-being of the enterprises they work for and the economies of their countries of origin.

We will achieve this by:

Valuing, and developing to the full, the contribution of our staff

Working closely with the learners

Providing advancement and continually updating the staff.

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