Functional Skills: Digital Levels 1 & 2


The skills acquired through this qualification will enable learners to be digitally mobile and access important governmental services, transact online and explore technologies, which will improve their social interactions with family and friends.

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Course Description

The skills acquired through this qualification will enable learners to be digitally mobile and access important governmental services, transact online and explore technologies, which will improve their social interactions with family and friends. It will also provide them with further opportunities to progress in work and further study. Skill Areas
  • Using devices and handling information
  • Creating and editing
  • Communicating
  • Transacting
  • Being safe and responsible online
  • The aims of the qualification are to enable learners:
  • To be confident in interacting with digital devices
  • To have a secure knowledge and understanding of essential digital skills and be able to apply them in work, life and further study
  • To be able to solve common technical problems
  • To be able to create, edit and store digital media
  • To be able to successfully share content and communicate effectively using a digital device
  • To manage online accounts and make informed choices when transacting online
  • To be proficient in maintaining privacy online and protect personal information
Assessment Method This assessment is composed of 2 distinct methods:
  1. Practical Assessment delivered through Html
  2. Multiple choice questions delivered on a secure platform marks from the practical assessments and the online knowledge test will be awarded as a final accumulative mark as either pass or did not achieve.
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